Feb 26, 2020
In this blast from the past, J. Warner answers listener email related to the following questions: “Are we falling into moral relativism if we choose to commit a lesser sin to avoid a greater sin?” “Can moral truths originate in the heart of man or does moral truth require a transcendent God?” “Is it fair for...
Feb 19, 2020
In this blast from the past, J. Warner interviews Frank Viola and they talk about Frank’s book, "Reimagining Church". Frank has written this book as a follow-up to his controversial, "Pagan Christianity". He offers some concrete direction for those of us who would like our church experience to more closely resemble...
Feb 12, 2020
In this blast from the past, J. Warner reviews the FLDS view of polygamy, reads some listener email, answers questions about the need for apologetics, the age of the earth, and the archeological evidence for Moses and the Exodus narrative.
Feb 5, 2020
In this podcast, J. Warner is interviewed by Dr. Ben Edwards on the You’re the Cure Radio Show. Dr. Edwards believes that four pillars undergird well-being, one of which is “peace”. Dr. Ben and J. Warner discuss the differences in a naturalistic versus a supernatural worldview. This is a cause for much of the...