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The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast

Jun 28, 2018

In this blast from the past, J. Warner Wallace examines the issue of ‘heresy’. Are there any essential objective truths that Christians simply MUST accept if they want to call themselves ‘Christians’? Are some Christian truths non-negotiable? Is anything ‘out of bounds’? Are creeds necessary to protect...

Jun 14, 2018

In this blast from the past, J. Warner Wallace examines the truth about truth. Does absolute, objective truth exist, or is all truth merely a matter of perspective and opinion? If objective truth does exist, can we ever really know it with any certainty? How are we supposed to determine the truth in the first place? We...

Jun 7, 2018

In this podcast, J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Jake Enriquez of Press and Reach.  How many of us, as Christians, are ready to make the case for what we believe? How can we become better Christian Case Makers? Be sure to listen to all of Jake’s great podcasts at Press and...