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The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast

Aug 30, 2018

In this brief podcast, J. Warner talks with John Hall and Kathy Emmons from The Ride Home with John and Kathy about our cultural interest in ancestry and our use of DNA companies to determine our origin. What does this cultural fascination tell us about our design as humans? To what (or whom) does it...

Aug 16, 2018

In this blast from the past, J. Warner Wallace examines one aspect of the classic “Problem of Evil”. Why would an all-loving and all-powerful God allow anyone to suffer? Doesn’t He have the power to stop it? Doesn’t He care enough about us to stop it? Does pain and suffering demonstrate that God doesn’t exist?

Aug 9, 2018

In this blast from the past, J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Bill Arnold on Faith Radio (The Early Morning Late Show) to talk about the kind of faith Jesus called us to embrace. Is it Biblical to cite evidence when making the case for Christianity? J. Warner talks about the nature of Biblical faith and answers...

Aug 2, 2018

In this podcast, J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Chris Craft for the Chris Craft Show and talks about the need for every Christian to embrace their calling as Christian Case Makers. How can each of us make a contribution to the cause for Christ? Be sure to listen to Chris interviews from his