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The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast

Nov 29, 2018

In this blast from the past, J. Warner Wallace examines the substitutionary atonement of Jesus. Why did Jesus have to die for our Salvation? Why did God choose to do it this way and why couldn’t He have accomplished it in some other way?

Nov 22, 2018

In this podcast, recorded during a church presentation, J. Warner Wallace offers a few tips from his experience in jury trials to help Christians share the Gospel with others. What role does “jury selection” play in sharing the truth? What simply rules of evidence can we share to make our presentations more effective?

Nov 15, 2018

In this podcast, J. Warner Wallace talks with the hosts of Bridge Radio about the fine-tuned nature of the universe. Does this incredible fine-tuning really exist? If so, why does it exist? What does the fine-tuning of the universe tell us about the existence of a Fine Tuner?

Nov 8, 2018

In this podcast, recorded during a church presentation, J. Warner Wallace investigates the claims of the Bible related to the flood. Is this story simply borrowed mythology? Why should we believe the Biblical narrative when there are other ancient accounts? Which account should we trust, and why?

Nov 1, 2018

In this brief podcast, J. Warner talks with Janet Mefferd (on her wonderful radio program, Janet Mefferd Today) about the challenges facing young Christians in culture and in the Church. These challenges also face older Christians, but they are amplified for the next generation. What can we do to prepare ourselves...