Jan 25, 2023
In this blast from the past, J. Warner makes a few observations about the state of Christianity in the Bible Belt based on his own personal experience with family in that area.
Jan 18, 2023
In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines the Christian life in light of God’s desire for all of us to become Christian Case Makers. Jim reads listener email highlighting some of the typical frustrations involved in starting an apologetics ministry and then provides a template to help you become the Case Maker...
Jan 11, 2023
In this blast from the past, J. Warner talks with Frank Turek about several strategies to become a better “one dollar apologist”. Jim teaches at Frank’s CrossExamined Instructor’s Academy (CIA) and has learned several important principles related to becoming a better Christian Case...
Jan 4, 2023
In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines three efforts to recreate Jesus and talks about the historic effort to co-opt Jesus for a variety of reasons. J. Warner focuses on the use of alleged “lost” gospels and provides a number of reasons to reject these efforts. He also talks specifically about the claims of...